Soil Nutrient Management system


Soil health is defined as the continued capacity of soil to function as a vital living system by recognising that it contains biological elements that are 'key' to ecosystem function within land use boundaries. Healthy soil will able to sustain biological productivity, maintain quality of surrounding air and water, besides promoting health of plant, animal and human.

Soil Health Card (SHC) that evaluates the health or quality of a soil as a function of its characteristics is a tool to help the farmers to monitor and improve soil health based on field experience and working knowledge of their soils. Regular use of SHC will allow farmers to record long term trends in soil health and to assess the effects of different soil management practices.

Soil health card designed for coffee farm will consist of information on soil health indicators like organic carbon, pH, electrical conductivity, major, secondary and micronutrients content of each soil and crop-wise recommendation of fertilizers required for coffee as well as one intercrop (pepper or orange) existing on the farm land.This will assist the farmer to correct the deficiency of nutrients, if any and maintain the soil health by judicious use of fertilizers for achieving sustainable yields.



5333 Registered Growers.



6330 Samples Collected.



43 Soil Health Cards Issued.

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Central Coffee Research Institute

The Central Coffee Research Institute ( CCRI ) is presently one of the premier institutes in South East Asia. There are seven different disciplines viz. Agronomy, Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Botany, Entomology/Nematology, Plant Physiology, Biotechnology and Post Harvest Technology, striving to evolve strategies aimed at increasing productivity and improvement is the quality of coffee. Besides, regional stations have been established at Chundale in Kerala...

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Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management - Kerala

Indian Institute of Information Technology & Management - Kerala (IIITM-K) is a premier institution of excellence in Science, Technology and Management related to Information Technology that develops professionals and leaders of high calibre imbued with values of entrepreneurship, ethics and social responsibility. IIITM-K is actively promoting higher education and industry across Kerala and beyond through its IT facilitated education programs and services...


Highlights of the system

Coffee Soil Nutrient Information System

For many decades soil analysis has been used as an aid to assess the soil fertility and plan crop nutrient management. Soil sampling and analysis is the most cost effective tool to balance the soil fertility and allocate soil amendments... Read More

Fertilizer Recommendation & Soil Health Card

Fertilizer Recommendation & Nutrient Management is one of the key outputs of this system. Soil samples were analysed in the laboratories of RRII and NBSS & LUP. The basic parameters utilized for generating the fertilizer recommendation... Read More

GIS Based Location specific Soil Nutrient Information

The soil samples were collected from individual locations of Coffee growing area and the location coordinates of sites of soil samples were recorded by GPS. Soil samples were analysed following standard analytical protocols... Read More

Coffee Soil Nutrient Information System

For many decades soil analysis has been used as an aid to assess the soil fertility and plan crop nutrient management. Soil sampling and analysis is the most cost effective tool to balance the soil fertility and allocate soil amendments... Read More

Dos and Don'ts

What to do and not to do

DO'S & DON'TS : For collection of soil sample

  • Divide the field into blocks of 2 ha (5 Ac) each when the soil, crop growth are uniform and collect sample representing each block separately.
  • When the areas within the field differ distinctly in growth of plants or appearance of the soil or known to have been manured differently, then divide the field into smaller, uniform blocks and sample each block separately.
  • Mark 20 spots randomly in a 2 ha block so that each spot is at the center of 4 coffee plants and collect soil from each spot at 0 -22 cm depth. Mix thoroughly the soil collected from all the 20 spots to get a uniform mixture representing that block and prepare composite soil sample of 1 kg by quartering technique.
  • Collect soil sample from problem blocks separately.
  • Dry moist soil samples under shade, pack in clean polythene bag and label with the name of the block, estate address and date of sampling.
  • Maintain Block records of plant age, yield, liming, fertilizer application etc. and submit along with the soil sample to the laboratory
  • Do not sample recently limed and fertilized blocks
  • Do not collect the soil sample during rainy season

DO'S & DON'TS : For Nutrient Management

  • Get the liming materials, fertilizers and organic manures tested for purity before application
  • Use good quality agricultural lime containing 80% calcium carbonate or dolomite having neutralization value of 80% and above.
  • Apply lime when there is sufficient moisture in the soil.
  • Maintain one month gap between liming and fertilizer application to the field.
  • In gentle slopes and flat lands, apply fertilizer in 'drip circle' to the gently disturbed/forked soil and cover with mulch.
  • In steep slopes apply fertilizer in semi-arch/horse-shoe shape on the upper-side of the slope.
  • Do not mix the incompatible fertilizers.